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Welcome To Stree G.G.Mehta Adhyapan Mandir Chitrasani

One energy was born in the house of Shri Mangaldas Shrof and Shrimati Sadlaxmiben Shrof at Surat on Dt. 31/12/1915, whose name was kept as Vimalaben. She was inspired by the thoughts of Gandhi from the age of 10 years and became child soldier in ‘Swadeshi’ movement for freedom. She married with Shri G.G.Mehta in the born rich and awful family at the age of 17 years on Dt.18/12/1932. She went to England with husband at the age of 23 years. There also she continued study. During world war in 1939 she... Read More...



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  • શિક્ષકમાં શૈક્ષણિક ક્ષમતા તો હોવી જ જોઈએ પણ સાથે સાથે જીવન પ્રત્યેનો ઉચ્ચ આદર્શપૂર્ણ અભિગમ પણ હોવો જોઈએ. જે પુસ્તકમાંથી શીખી શકાતું નથી તે શિક્ષકના જીવન દ્વારા શીખી શકાય છે.

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